The project report includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Market Size, Statistics, Trends, SWOT Analysis and Forecasts. Report provides a comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.
We can prepare PROJECT REPORT as per your INVESTMENT PLAN for BANK LOAN REQUIREMENT and INDUSTRY ANALYSIS. All reports are prepared by highly qualified consultants and verified by a panel of experts.
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Fat liquors basically are lubricants for leather. The final softness, feel and touch of leather are determined by use of different fat liquors. Technically fatliquors are surface-active softening agents and are used in the last of the wet processes stage of leather manufacture. Soap is one form or the other was the only cleaning wetting, emulsifying and dispersing agent available. Its ability to stand hard water and acid led to its development as a product possessing the valuable properties of soap without its defects. The first successful attempt towards this was of Frany, a Frenchman who studied the effects of concentrated sulfuric acid on olive oil, but it was A Runge who first prepared sulphated olive oil in 1854 by first reacting the olive oil with concentrated sulfuric acid and then neutralized the resultant product with cold caustic potash solution. The product was on oily water dispersible substance. This and other similar products obtained by sulphating different oils e.g. rapeseed oil, cotton seed oil, Castor oil, ground nut oil, corn oil etc., have come to be known as turkey red oils as they were found to act as assistants and mordents in dyeing certain red colours on cotton.
- Introduction
- Uses and Applications
- Properties
- Market Survey with future aspects
- Present Manufacturers
- B.I.S. Specifications
- Manufacturing Process with Formulae
- Plant Layout
- Cost Economics with Profitability Analysis
- Capacity
- Land & Building Requirements with Rates
- List & Details of Plant and Machinery with their Costs
- Raw Materials
- Details/List and Costs
- Power & Water Requirements
- Labour/Staff Requirements
- Utilities and Overheads
- Total Capital Investment
- Turnover
- Cost of Production
- Break Even Point
- Profitability
- Land Man Ratio
- Suppliers of Plant & Machineries and Raw Materials.