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Gutka is now-a-days a very common mouth freshener. Generally it is taken by the people of all age groups. Increasing liking of people for Gutka has made its common use.
Gutka is the refined tobacco with cathaeu, chuna, flavouring agents and perfumery compounds etc. It refreshes the mouth and gives the feeling of cold in throat when taken in small amount. Gutka is chewed either with pan or directly without any other thing. Tobacco of various grades, specified by different numbers, constitutes different proportions. The higher the grade of gutkha the higher it will contain tobacco content.
No variety is grown to any appreciable extent. Slowly for chewing or snuff and generally the same variety is consumed in a number of forms. Thus the mona Kappal Coisikappal, Vattakappal and Yerumaikappal varieties grown in the districts of Madurai, Trichi rappali and Coimbatore in the Madras State, the desi variety grown in Bihar and used in Hookah, the desi tobacco of Assam and UP and the Jati of W. Bengal are also used in chewing. The kali chopped and judi tobacco of Gujarat area are also largely used for chewing snuff, Colour plays a less important part, but for snuff and dark coloured leaf is elected presumably as an indication of strength.
Therefore, however certain varieties which are used for chewing and snuff e.g. Punchkkad tobacco grown in South Kanara District of Mysore. The leaf if it is brown in colour, medium texture about 23 to 30% long and about 6″ broad.
Leaves of Motihari grown in West Bengal, volayati in Assam and Bihar and Calcutta in the Punjab and U.P. which are well developed and thick in texture with pungent aroma and biting taste are selected for chewing and snuff. The cheaper grades of snuff are usually made from the tobacco dust of any variety.
In other states, both rustic and tobacco are used, the various types are named differently sometime after the particular village in which the tobacco is grown. e.g. Sivapuri, Bivani, Meenapalayam, Vedaranyam and often to indicate the leaf characteristics especially the shape, size and colour of the leaves. At the cigar and charcoot tobacco research station. Vedasandur, ten morphological types (types A to J) have been isolated from the chewing types grown in the different tracts of the Madras state. Out of these, type B has been found to be most suitable for vedansandur and adjoining chewing tobacco grown areas compared to local bulk. Generally chewing tobacco consists of tobaccum and justice varieties but most of the produces come from the former species. The best tobacco of U.P. Bihar, and Assam such as Bonbrie Kelia and Koonia Volmanai of Madurai, Meenapalayam, Kaanara, Kali Chopadia and Judi tobacco of Gujarat and used specifically for chewing while other nature tobacco of Guntry and Japalam and suryakanti of Visakapattanam districts in AP. Karuvazhai and Karingkappal of Madras, Jati of Bengal and Mothihari (N. rustia) of Bengal, Bihar, Assam and UP are also used for chewing in addition to smoking purposes. They have broad leaves, petro late or sessile loacedleate to cardate and even are with on accurate or occuminate tip. The most common chewing variety in Madras is volmonai.