Integrated Scrap yard

The project report includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand, Market Size, Statistics, Trends, SWOT Analysis and Forecasts. Report provides a comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry.

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A typical metal recycling facility recycles a variety of materials, including ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals, vehicles and parts, communication cables, radiators, and batteries. The recycling process includes receiving, sorting, processing, packaging, storing and shipping the materials or metals to other facilities where they can be reused or reprocessed. Sorting is either done manually or by machines such as shaker beds, cranes, or magnets. Large scrap metal parts are cut with shears or torches into smaller pieces. The scrap metal is then compressed and packaged, commonly by balers for storage and transportation.

Lead is a ubiquitous metal, and a known environmental and industrial hazard (1). Many of the materials being recycled, such as batteries, radiators, and metals contain lead. It may be in the coatings on the scrap metal (lead-based paint or galvanized coatings) (2). It may also be present in the metal as an additive, alloy element or contaminant (3, 4, 5, 6). When metal recycling workers cut, shear, bale or sort scrap metals, they can be exposed to lead dust and fume.

Project Report Covers:

Uses and Applications
Market Survey with future aspects
Present Manufacturers
B.I.S. Specifications
Manufacturing Process with Formulae
Cost Economics with Profitability Analysis
Land & Building Requirements with Rates
List & Details of Plant and Machinery with their Costs
Raw Materials
Details/List and Costs
Power & Water Requirements
Labour/Staff Requirements
Utilities and Overheads
Total Capital Investment
Cost of Production
Break Even Point
Land Man Ratio
Suppliers of Plant & Machineries and Raw Materials.


Additional information

Plant Capacity

75.00 MT/Day

Land & building

Area 20 Acres Rs. 52.15 Lacs

Plant & machinery

Rs. 1.39 Cr

W.c for 1 month

Rs. 1.66 Cr

Total capital investment

Rs. 3.61 Cr

Rate of return


Break even point
