Manufacturing with Formulations Technology of Wax and Polishes (Boot Polish, Natural Sugar Wax, Automobile Polish, Furniture Polish, Floor Wax, Brass Polish, Glass Polish, Silver Polish, Finishing Polish, Metal Polish)
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The book Manufacturing with Formulations Technology of Wax & Polishes (boot polish, natural sugar wax, automobile polish, furniture polish, floor wax, brass polish, glass polish, silver polish, finishing polish, metal polish) contains chapters on Anti-Corrosive Wax Coating (Aerosol), Bees Wax Refining and Bleaching, Boot Polish, Car Shampoo, Car Polish, Aerosol Silicon Spray, Car Engine Coolant, Car Wash Soaps, Tyre Cleaners etc. Formulations, Chlorinated Paraffin Wax (CPW), Dental Waxes (Pattern Wax, Inlay Wax, Base Plate Wax, Sheet and Shape Wax, Impression Wax, Bite Registration Waxes, Disclosing Wax, Boxing Wax and Sticky Wax, Diamond Scaves used for Polishing of Rough Diamond, Grinding or Polishing Stone (in Block Form), Hair Removing Wax, Improving Drop Point (Melting Point) of Paraffin Wax, Liquid Shoe Polish Puff, Metal Polishing Bar, Microcrystalline Wax, Nail Polish, Natural Sugar Wax, Paraffin Wax from Slack Wax, Polyethylene Wax (Pe Wax) (Oxidized in Powder Form), Reclamation of Wax from Sludges of Wax Industry, Rubber Shiner (Tyre Polish) in Aerosol Can, Sugar Cane Wax from Press Mud, Wax Emulsion, Wax Emulsion for Construction, Wax Floor Polish, White Wood Polish, Wood Polish (Non-Alcoholic), Automobile Polish, Wood Primer for Paints Formulations for Wood Primers, Manufacturing of Furniture Polish, Furniture Polish Formulations, Formulations of Liquid Floor Wax Emulsion, Floor Wax, Wood Floor Bleach and Paste Wax, Formulae of Brass Paste Polish and Allied, Formulas of Glass Polish, Formulations of Silver Polish, Stove Polish, Furniture Finishing Oil and Furniture Finishing Polish, Formulations of Metal Polish, Marble Cleaning Powder and Metal Cleaners, Formulations of Auto Body Cleaners, Auto Body Liquid Wax, Paste Wax and Auto Polishing Cloth.